Clowns as analgesic pharmacological method in hospitalized children


  • Gustavo Rivara Dávila
  • Andrea Bucher Oliva
  • Diego Briceño Clemens
  • Sonia Huaipar Rodríguez
  • Cynthia Liu Bejarano
  • Karen De Souza Ferreira
  • Estefanía Nuñez Hernández
  • Melanie Dammert Schreier
  • Nicolás Gallástegui Crestani
  • Javier Arias Stella Cilloníz
  • Antonio Cheesman Rocca
  • Javier Naranjo Vegas
  • Alexis Patsias Osório
  • Alejandra Rosell Alayza
  • Yliana Vela Gonzales
  • Susana San Martín Llosa
  • Luciana Scerperlla Crespo
  • Alicia Seminario Vargas
  • Denisse Silva Montoya
  • Manuel Sinchi Tuesta
  • Edwin Zambrano
  • Roberto Huando



Background: One of the most relevant negative aspects that experiment children during hospitalization, are the painful procedures which they undergo. This generates fear and increases the levels of anxiety. Diverse non- pharmacological methods exist to diminish the intensity of pain.

Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of a Group of Clowns as a non-pharmacologic analgesic method during painful procedures.

Material and Methods: Two groups of hospitalized children were studied: Clown Group (n=30) and control Group (n=38). Each Group was stratified according to ages: children of 2 to 6 years old, and 7 to 16 years old. The intervention consisted in the interaction of a pair of Clowns (Doctores Bola Roja) during the painful procedure. The intensity of pain was measured with 2 scales: The Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Pain Scale (CHEOPS) (in the younger ager group, 2 to 6 years old) and Self Assessment Scale (in the older age Group, 7 to 16 years old). It was also measured variations of heart rate and oxygen saturation 60 and 30 seconds before painful stimuli, during painful stimuli and, 30 and 60 seconds after painful stimuli. The strategies used by the Clowns were registered.

Results: The Clown Group showed significantly less intensity of pain than the control Group; children of 2 to 6 years old: score 5.56 (clown Group) versus 11.79 (control Group) p < .0001; children of 7 to 16 years old: score 1.14 (clown Group) versus 4.17 (control Group) p< .0001. It was found statistical significant differences in the Oxygen Saturation and Heart rate curves between the two groups. The diminution of the pain in the Clown Group was independent to age.

Conclusions: This study shows that the presence of a Group of Hospital Clowns during venous sampling in the first day of hospitalization in children from 2 to 16 years old was an effective method to decrease pain intensity of such procedure, as compared to a control group. There was significant correlation between physiologic parameters and pain intensity.


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Author Biographies

Gustavo Rivara Dávila

Pediatra Neonatólogo Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza. Lima, Perú.

Andrea Bucher Oliva

Médico Pediatra, Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza. Lima, Perú.

Diego Briceño Clemens

Médico Pediatra, Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza. Lima, Perú.

Sonia Huaipar Rodríguez

Médico Pediatra, Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza. Lima, Perú.

Cynthia Liu Bejarano

Médico Pediatra, Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza. Lima, Perú.

Karen De Souza Ferreira

Médico Cirujano (Ex-internos HAL). Lima, Perú.

Estefanía Nuñez Hernández

Médico Cirujano (Ex-internos HAL). Lima, Perú.

Melanie Dammert Schreier

Médico Cirujano (Ex-internos HAL). Lima, Perú.

Nicolás Gallástegui Crestani

Médico Cirujano (Ex-internos HAL). Lima, Perú.

Javier Arias Stella Cilloníz

Médico Cirujano (Ex-internos HAL). Lima, Perú.

Antonio Cheesman Rocca

Médico Cirujano (Ex-internos HAL). Lima, Perú.

Javier Naranjo Vegas

Médico Cirujano (Ex-internos HAL). Lima, Perú.

Alexis Patsias Osório

Médico Cirujano (Ex-internos HAL). Lima, Perú.

Alejandra Rosell Alayza

Médico Cirujano (Ex-internos HAL). Lima, Perú.

Yliana Vela Gonzales

Médico Cirujano (Ex-internos HAL). Lima, Perú.

Susana San Martín Llosa

Interna de Medicina, Facultad de Medicina Humana, Universidad Particular San Martín de Porres (HAL). Lima, Perú.

Luciana Scerperlla Crespo

Interna de Medicina, Facultad de Medicina Humana, Universidad Particular San Martín de Porres (HAL). Lima, Perú.

Alicia Seminario Vargas

Interna de Medicina, Facultad de Medicina Humana, Universidad Particular San Martín de Porres (HAL). Lima, Perú.

Denisse Silva Montoya

Interna de Medicina, Facultad de Medicina Humana, Universidad Particular San Martín de Porres (HAL). Lima, Perú.

Manuel Sinchi Tuesta

Interna de Medicina, Facultad de Medicina Humana, Universidad Particular San Martín de Porres (HAL). Lima, Perú.

Edwin Zambrano

Técnico de Laboratorio, Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza. Lima, Perú.

Roberto Huando

Técnico de Laboratorio, Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza. Lima, Perú.



How to Cite

Rivara Dávila G, Bucher Oliva A, Briceño Clemens D, Huaipar Rodríguez S, Liu Bejarano C, De Souza Ferreira K, et al. Clowns as analgesic pharmacological method in hospitalized children. Rev Peru Pediatr [Internet]. 2010 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];63(2):09-1. Available from:

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