Ethics and physician-patient relationship in pediatrics


  • Hugo Peña Camarena



The physician-patient relationship is very important in the development of medical practice, and it depends greatly diagnosis, treatment and outcomes. However we notice that some cultural aspects such as level of education of the child’s parents, new communication technologies, using the latest technology for diagnosis and treatment, patient care by private insurance, marketing practice medical malpractice claims; negatively affect this relationship, the risk of losing the respect and mutual trust are essential requirements to get healthy and also avoid misunderstandings that may generate legal medical problems.

So if we want to strengthen the physician-patient relationship is necessary to promote a fundamental change in the attitude of medical staff in the care of children, develop medical students the necessary skills for effective communication with patients, using modern diagnostic and treatment technologies in a prudent, short of granting full trust excesses, absolute and unlimited data that we can provide, noting that only close contact with the patient by history and physical examination will allow us to determine the diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment and address the increasing commercialization of medical practice favored by health insurance companies, it should recover and assess the suitability of physicians to improve physician-patient relationship and quality of care.


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Author Biography

Hugo Peña Camarena

Jefe del Departamento de Pediatría del Hospital Regional Docente de Trujillo Docente del curso de Pediatría de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Privada “Antenor Orrego” de Trujillo. La Libertad, Perú.



How to Cite

Peña Camarena H. Ethics and physician-patient relationship in pediatrics. Rev Peru Pediatr [Internet]. 2011 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Sep. 7];64(2):41-4. Available from:



