Ebstein anomaly and Down syndrome

Clinical case


  • Carmen Alegría Bernal Hospital Regional Honorio Delgado Espinoza, Universidad Católica Santa María. Arequipa, Perú https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5918-9632
  • Pierina Zevallos Palomino Universidad Católica Santa María




Sindrome de Down, Anomalía de Ebstein


Ebstein anomaly is a rare congenital heart disease, and its occurrence in association with Down syndrome is even rarer.

Objective: Report a case of Ebstein anomaly in a patient with Down phenotype.

Clinical Case: Newborn patient born hypotonic and generalized cyanosis, which persists despite tactile stimulation for which he receives oxygenatory support through the cephalic halo, presenting intermittently episodes of desaturation. On physical examination there was generalized hypotonia and cyanosis, down fascies, rhythmic heart sounds, and a V/VI murmur was heard. Chest x­ray showed marked cardiomegaly. The echocardiogram showed apical displacement of the triscupid septal leaflet of 9.3 mm, confirming the diagnosis of Ebstein anomaly.

Discussion: Ebstein anomaly is a serious and infrequent pathology. Cardiac anomalies are common in patients with Down syndrome.

Conclusion: The association between both conditions is exceptionally rare. The importance of a complete cardiological evaluation and multidisciplinary follow­up of these cases is highlighted due to the serious complications and the possible need for surgical intervention.


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Author Biographies

Carmen Alegría Bernal, Hospital Regional Honorio Delgado Espinoza, Universidad Católica Santa María. Arequipa, Perú

Pediatra general del Hospital Honorio Delgado Espinoza-Arequipa. Médico Auditora y  Magister en Nutrición clínica. Tutora y docente universitaria UCSM Arequipa. Arequipa, Perú.

Lineas de investigación: docencia digital e inteligencia artificial.

Pierina Zevallos Palomino, Universidad Católica Santa María

Estudiante de Medicina Humana. Interna de la Universidad Católica Santa María Arequipa. Arequipa, Perú.



How to Cite

Alegría Bernal C, Zevallos Palomino P. Ebstein anomaly and Down syndrome: Clinical case. Rev Peru Pediatr [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 30 [cited 2024 Sep. 7];76(1):1c1-6. Available from: https://pediatria.pe/index.php/pedperu/article/view/517